If juice-making contributes significantly to global warming, this group, calling itself La Kasita, has the solution. They'd connected a bicycle to a blender beside the Parque Nacional along La Ciclovia. After about a minute of pedaling, the lulo, maracuya, strawberries or other fruit were converted into juice.
Then, however, a Ciclovia guardiana appeared and told the juicemakers that they couldn't make juices along La Ciclovia without a permit. So they had to close up and go away.
But how clean is human-generated energy? I suppose that depends on whether you're a carnivore or a vegetarian.
Pour it on! |
Pedal power. |
'I'm sorry, but this isn't permitted without a license.' |
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogota Bike Tours
sympatique cette demarche. elle me fait penser aux Bike Blenders du mouvement Rock the Bike