miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018

The Poisonous Pleasure of Bogotá Bicycling!

Here it comes!
 Early this morning, I was pedaling north on Carrera Septima's bike lane, when I passed this SITP bus (sold to us as the solution to the city's pollution problem). Unfortunately for the suffering cyclist behind me, he or she didn't get past in time

Poor cyclist!
When the city announced a 'yellow alert' a few weeks ago warning of high air pollution levels,  envirobnmenal authorities promised to crack down and said that they had temporarily shut down highly polluting factories and fined thousands of 'rolling chimneys.' If that's true, then why we see these vehicles every day belching CO2 and smog into our eyes and lungs.

And here, a smog-belching schoolbus at a bike lane crossing.
By Mike Ceaser, of Bogotá Bike Tours

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